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Doughnut peach

Doughnut peach

Refreshing and moderately energy, Doughnut peach fits perfectly with the summer feeding.

It has indeed quenching properties valued through its wealth of water, its contents limited sugar and the presence of organic acids in balanced proportions.

Nutritional interests of Doughnut peach

Present at a low rate, natural organic acids in Doughnut peach provide a touch of slightly acidic flavor.

The contribution of vitamin of Doughnut peach is extremely varied. Group B vitamins are well represented, particularly vitamin B3 and B5, as well as vitamin E. Minerals are moderately abundant.

Dietetic interests of Doughnut peach

Doughnut peach is a dessert or a "slight" in the event, entirely consistent with overweight control.

Riped, the Doughnut peach is a fruit particularly well tolerated: its fibers are very tender, and act on the intestines with gentleness and effectiveness. It also helps to rebalance the internal environment.

Source : A.P.R.I.F.E.L.

Technical aspects for Doughnut peach

Designation of the product :

Doughnut peach in sealed small boat.
Single-free gas, without additives neither preservatives
- Safe Storage between 32 and 39.2 degrees F.

Specifications of the product :

  • Homogeneous in variety : ok
  • Homogeneous in category : Extra or l
  • Homogeneous in gauge : ok
  • Homogeneous in color : ok
  • Use-before date Guarantee Delivery : 7 days

Small boats (rigid and translucent)

Types of packaging of apricots
Range Weight* Quantity Parcel (cm)
Ronde 50 128 22x40x60
Maxi-Ronde 70 80 22x40x60
Perle 70 80 22x40x60

* Minimum weight net out of fruit in sale unit (in gram)

Notice : some others Types of packaging are available. Please contact us for more informations.


Semi-rigid and translucent